Friday, August 13, 2010

Agnus Dei Lutheran Academy 2010-2011 Schedule

We made a few changes from our schedule last year. I hope to post more about our homeschool plans soon.

8-8:30am Ewe read/Lambs play
8:30-9 Morning prayer, Bible verse, poem, calendar, breakfast, get dressed
9-9:30am Bible story, hymn, catechism, Latin, geography song, math song
9:30-10 Math
10-10:30 Writing road to reading/handwriting
10:30-11 Ordinary parents guide to teaching reading/read aloud/Lamb 1 read
11-11:30 Post office/outside time
11:30-12:30 Make lunch, devotions, eat lunch, vitamins, cod liver oil, clean up
12:30-1:30 Chores, Ewe housework, Lambs get ready for rest time, Lambs play if extra time
1:30-2 Board game or card game
2-? Lamb 3 nap
2-3 Lamb 1 and 2 rest time (either educational movie or nap), Ewe nap?
3-3:30 Tea time/Music
3:30-4 Art Tuesday and Thursday, other days play
4-5 Lambs play, Ewe declutter time
5-6 Make supper, eat, clean up
6-6:30 Ewe housework, Lambs play
6:30-7 Clean up toys
7-7:30 Story time-one their choice, MWF one science, TR one history
7:30-8 Get ready for bed, bath, prayers
8-9 Ewe correspondence time/Lambs in bed-MWF listen to story on CD, TRS listen to music
9-10 Ewe computer time
10-11 Ram and Ewe Compline and Together Time
11pm-8am Sleep


Untamed Shrew said...

I love how "vitamins, cod liver oil, and clean up" are in that order.

The Mama said...

What are you using for history and science?