Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Advent Blessing from President Harrison

Advent Blessing from President Harrison from VimeoLCMS on Vimeo.

HT: Rev. Weedon

I have been wanting to post something about Advent on my blog and I didn't have time or an internet connection until tonight. Then I found this video from Rev. Harrison. I found this video interesting especially because I was one of Rev. Harrison's former members. Times change and the years go by and Rev. Harrison is no longer my parish pastor. This sounds cheesy, but watching this video was like going home to my home church for the holidays to hear a short devotion. This was very similar to a devotion that he would have given while I was on staff teaching at Zion, Fort Wayne. May God bless and keep Rev. Harrison and his family along with the other staff and their families at the LCMS International Center.

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