We attended church and Sunday School at Jan's church. Her husband is the pastor of Mount Zion in Denver. I was impressed with their church. Everyone was very friendly. An older gentleman came out to our car (we were there a little early) and greeted us and told us how much they love their pastor and how much their pastor is teaching them. They have every Sunday communion. We used TLH this Sunday. Bible Study was on the Book of Concord. My parents attended Bible Study while I went to Sunday School with the Lambs. They have Sunday School in the summer too. Sunday School was based on the Gospel lesson of the day. The church seemed like an older congregation but we could also tell they are really growing. They have an early childhood center and I believe they are adding kindergarten. This was the first church service I attended not at Fort Wayne, IN or at home in MN since we moved to MN 6 years ago. Lamb 3 kept saying "dada" during the service and couldn't figure out who the pastor was. Lamb 2 had diaper blowout and I had a mess to clean up so I missed the end of the sermon.

The park was so hot that after a little while at the park we went to Jan's house. The kids played with toys while the adults chatted.
We attempted a photo of all the kids. One of Jan's was sleeping and one had a tantrum during the photo. The Lambs cooperated because they had some "girl toys" to hold during the photo. Lisa has 4 children. Both of the girl babies (Jan and Lisa's) are named Elizabeth. I think most of the kids played by themselves with the toys, but there was quite a group of them. Lamb 1 and 2 love to play with girl toys when they get a chance. The batteries in my camera died so Jan was able to get better photos than I did.

I was so worried about the Lambs that I didn't take care of myself so I got a little sunburned at the park. I really enjoyed the day with the Melius family. After visiting for the afternoon, we drove to Sterling, CO and stayed at a hotel there. After not sleeping well at the hotels, we decided that instead of staying at a hotel in Omaha, we would drive Sterling-home all in one day. We were home a little before midnight on Monday. It was good to be home and back with Ram. My parents were able to play with the Lambs a little more before they went home on Thursday. We were all glad we came home a day early.

I was so worried about the Lambs that I didn't take care of myself so I got a little sunburned at the park. I really enjoyed the day with the Melius family. After visiting for the afternoon, we drove to Sterling, CO and stayed at a hotel there. After not sleeping well at the hotels, we decided that instead of staying at a hotel in Omaha, we would drive Sterling-home all in one day. We were home a little before midnight on Monday. It was good to be home and back with Ram. My parents were able to play with the Lambs a little more before they went home on Thursday. We were all glad we came home a day early.
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